CHange the way you think about tax
The biggest expense incurred by most Australians is taxation expense and the moment you start thinking about your taxes as an expense, as opposed to accepting it as a fact of life, is the moment you’ll change your approach to tax planning.
The purpose of this fundamental achievement is not only to reduce the amount of tax that you are paying, but to ensure that your financial affairs are structured in a way that takes the tax implications of your investment decisions into consideration.
Paying only the taxes you owe makes perfect sense. Yet many investors essentially miss the opportunity to reduce their tax liabilities by not planning ahead. Minimising the effects of taxation requires year-round planning that should always begin with an in-depth understanding of your financial situation.
That’s where Accelerate Wealth can help.
We can assist you to create a financial plan that is sensitive to various taxation issues and can tailor a wealth management solution that uses your tax dollars to assist you achieve your goals and dreams rather than assisting the government achieve theirs!